• If contacting the church via phone, please leave a voicemail including your name, phone number, and reason for your call, so that we can ensure that your call will be answered as promptly as possible.                                                                                                                                                         
  • This is a reminder that if you have cold or flu-like symptoms, please respect the health of those around you and stay home.

  • The Safety & Security Ministry will be hosting a Training Session on Saturday, September the 14 th from 9am until 12 noon. There will be advisement on what to do in the case of an emergency requiring medical attention, evacuation, and or concealment, as well as Crisis Intervention Training. There will be representatives from the local Police Department helping with the training. Light refreshments will be available. All are welcome to attend; however, we urge those responsible for de-escalation to attend such as the Trustee and Usher Boards. If you have any questions, please see Reverend Stith.

  • On the 5th Sunday, which is September 29th, the Diaconate Board will be hosting a Meet and Greet after service in the Fellowship Hall.  This is an excellent opportunity for you to meet your parish leader if you are a new member or your parish leader recently changed. If you have any questions, please see Deacon Anthony Wilkins.